Bridging aid in emergency situations


In acute emergency situations, rapid and direct action is required. This includes the unbureaucratic distribution of food, firewood, clothing and blankets as well as seeds.The coronavirus pandemic has kept the world on tenterhooks since the beginning of 2020.

The virus hits those in need and the socially weak particularly hard. Measures to contain the virus forced whole families into isolation. Some settlements were completely sealed off. CONCORDIA employees in the Republic of Moldova, Bulgaria and Romania are facing great challenges.

The scarce sources of income, for example from rubbish collection or as day labourers, have been lost, thousands of families are left without any income at all. In the Republic of Moldova, we also expect frightening effects in the medium to long term. 

After the outbreak of the crisis, many Moldovans living and working abroad were forced to return home, and even more families are left without any income at all. While these foreign Moldovans had previously provided a little help, these remittances, which accounted for almost a third of Moldova's GDP, are now almost non-existent.
