Transparency is important to us
CONCORDIA Verein für Sozialprojekte bears the Austrian Seal of Approval for Donations. trägt das Österreichische Spendengütesiegel. It specifies how donations must be raised, managed and used. All our donors can thus be sure that donations are handled with care.
The Donation Seal of Approval is awarded annually by the Chamber of Public Accountants and Tax Advisors. Here you can find information on the Donation Seal of Spendengütesiegel wird jährlich von der Kammer der Wirtschaftstreuhänder verliehen.
CONCORDIA Verein für Sozialprojekte is registered with the tax office as a "tax-privileged organisation". This means that your donation to CONCORDIA Verein für Sozialprojekte is tax deductible.
As our supporter you will receive a confirmation of your annual donation once a year. As our supporter, you will receive a confirmation of your annual donation once a year. Further details can be found on the BMF website or by calling the Citizens' Service Line on 050 233 750 (Monday to Thursday 7:30 to 15:30 Uhr and Friday from 8 to 12 Uhr).
As a fundraising organisation, we require supporters who wish to claim their donation for tax purposes to provide their first and last names (as on the registration form) and date of birth. Click here for the form.

CONCORDIA Verein für Sozialprojekte
CONCORDIA Verein für Sozialprojekte
Hochstettergasse 6
A-1020 Wien
T +43 1 212 81 49
F +43 1 212 81 49-23
Register of associations (Vereinsregister): ZVR-Zahl 268158538
Handelsgericht Wien
UID-Number: ATU41205806
Bank account: Raiffeisenlandesbank NÖ/Wien
IBAN: AT54 3200 0000 0142 0355