Relief supplies from Lower Austria arrived in Chisinau/Republic of Moldova

Last Saturday, an aid convoy of five trucks with humanitarian aid supplies started for the Republic of Moldova. Last night it reached the Moldovan capital Chisinau.


More than 250,000 Ukrainian refugees have crossed the Moldovan border in search of protection since the outbreak of war. People who have had to leave their homes and livelihoods behind from one day to the next, with only the bare necessities in their luggage. An astonishing number - 150,000 - have stayed in Moldova so far.

Europe's poorest country is facing a humanitarian crisis. The government in Moldova is asking the EU and USA for support to cope with the influx of refugees.

The government of Lower Austria and Lower Austrian youth organisations and the Civil Defence Association have sent an important signal of solidarity and help. Last Saturday, an aid convoy of five trucks with humanitarian aid supplies started for the Republic of Moldova. Last night it reached the Moldovan capital Chisinau and was received by our colleagues in Moldova. We would like to thank the Austrian Embassy in Chisinau, Ambassador Stella Avallone and Embassy Counsellor Gero Stuller, who were instrumental in ensuring that our colleagues from CONCORDIA Moldova were able to receive the convoy safely last night.

The relief goods are needed immediately for the arriving Ukrainian refugees and will be made available.

"A big thank you to the Province of Lower Austria and Provincial Councillor Martin Eichtinger for this great support. Thanks to this quick relief action, we now have sufficient relief supplies to care for those seeking help for the time being." - Bernhard Drumel, Executive Director CONCORDIA

For everything else to cope with the need for aid in the Republic of Moldova - for example, in addition to material aid supplies, psychosocial support will be needed in the coming weeks and months - we are asking for financial help that will have a direct impact on the ground.

