• Erisa with hip brace - CONCORDIA Social Projects Erisa with hip brace - CONCORDIA Social Projects

Little Erisa is a sweet girl. In December 2021, she saw the light of day in the maternity ward at the Prizren Municipal Hospital. A world that will be marked by poverty for the little girl. Eva, her mother, nevertheless beams all over her face. Erisa in one hand, several plastic bags with the few clothes she took for her stay in the other, she leaves the oppressive atmosphere of the hospital beaming with joy.

Will Erisa ever be able to walk?

When Erisa was one month old, the shock followed. During a check-up, the doctor discovered a problem in the baby's hip. Thanks to the support of CONCORDIA, Eva was able to take Erisa to a specialist and have her daughter's health condition clarified. Unfortunately, the doctor's suspicions were confirmed. Erisa was diagnosed with a deformity of the hip joint, which entails a poor fit of the femur. A diagnosis that will accompany her throughout her life. To be able to walk, Erisa would need a orthosis or a very costly surgery. Neither is affordable for the destitute family. Such news is like a slap in the face. Where would they get the 150 euros to buy the orthosis? Sadness and helplessness were reflected in the faces of Eva and Arbër.

And then relief

Barely a week later, thanks to the support of CONCORDIA, Erisa was provided with the orthosis. It makes us happy to know that in a few years Erisa will be able to walk and even run with a smile on her face.

All this is only possible because of the donations of our supporters. 

Escaping poverty at the day centre

Erisa is the eighth child of Eva and Arbër. He works as a wood chopper, his salary is the only income of this large family. They live in Kosovo in the Tranzit district in abject poverty, not far from the CONCORDIA center. The two oldest daughters are already married and have moved out. The younger siblings live with their parents in a dilapidated two-room house and regularly visit our center. There they receive hot meals, are supported with school challenges and have the opportunity to participate in recreational activities. Despite the difficult circumstances of this family, living together is very loving. Although Eva has such a hard everyday life and her children often skip school, she loves her children boundlessly.

Helping children like Erisa

Since January 2022, CONCORDIA Social Projects has been supporting children and families in need with medical aid in Kosovo. Our nurse, Nehari Shporta, ensures that all beneficiaries of our center receive medical care when needed. The children are taught about health issues at the center and are regularly accompanied to medical appointments. Additionally, they are taught about personal hygiene and how to maintain good health. Nehari also provides medical counseling to parents.
